Knowledge is Power


What Is A Crime Against Humanity?

Designating certain acts as “crimes against humanity” can help protect populations, especially civilians, from the worst violations of human rights and dignity. This category encompasses the most egregious acts of individuals, governments, and organizations. The discussion of what are crimes against humanity (and how to punish their perpetrators) began in earnest when the atrocities of World War II came to light.

  Definitions and History

The first accepted use of the term “crimes against humanity” in an international forum is the 1945 Charter of the International Military Tribunal (also known as the Nuremberg Charter). This document memorialized the Allied countries’ agreement that certain acts of violence are unacceptable and established an international tribunal to prosecute individuals who commit them. France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States signed the charter at the end of the Second World War; 20 other countries have since ratified it. It inspired the formation of numerous subsequent international courts to prosecute human rights violations, including the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.

There is some disagreement when it comes to identifying specifically what is a crime against humanity, because there is no comprehensive, globally-accepted international legal definition. Acceptance of which specific acts constitute crimes against humanity has changed over the years as new horrifying examples come to light. According to the United Nations, the 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court expresses the most currently accepted list.

Are Crimes Against Humanity Different than War Crimes?

In addition to explaining what are crimes against humanity, the Nuremberg charter also identifies what are war crimes and what are crimes against peace. Under this and other accepted authorities, war crimes are distinguishable from crimes against humanity in four significant ways. These are:

  • Designating something as a war crime is only appropriate if the act was committed during an armed conflict. Crimes against humanity, on the other hand, can be committed at any time.
  • War crimes target the people of another nation or state. Crimes against humanity can (and often do) target a country’s own citizens.
  • Crimes against humanity refers specifically to crimes against civilians, while both civilians and enemy combatants can be the victims of war crimes.
  • A crime against humanity must be part of a widespread or systematic attack on a civilian population; a war crime can be an isolated act.

Based on these factors, while most offenses that qualify as crimes against humanity could also be war crimes, the converse is not necessarily true.

Generally Accepted Acts that Constitute Crimes Against Humanity

Many acts are widely accepted as crimes against humanity by many different international authorities. Some of the most fundamental include:

Murder and Extermination

Murder and the extermination of a demographic group are universally acknowledged as crimes against humanity when directed by the state. These terms refer to a ruler or government killing members of its own population, usually on a mass scale. In many cases, victims are targeted for extermination based on ethnic discriminationreligious prejudice, or cultural reasons (‘genocide‘) or political opposition (‘politicide’).

Deportation and Forced Transfer

Deporting or forcibly transferring a segment of the civilian population against that population’s will is generally accepted as a crime against humanity. The use of mass deportations is usually only one aspect of a broader attack against a particular group, often performed in conjunction with other crimes against humanity like persecution, apartheid, and extermination.

False Imprisonment, Torture, and Disappearance

In many cases, a state that perpetrates crimes against humanity resorts to tactics such as false imprisonmentdeprivation and torture, and forced disappearances. False imprisonment constitutes holding individuals against their will based on fraudulent, trumped-up, or no charges. While imprisoned, they may be physically and mentally tortured, subjected to hard labor, or exiled to remote labor camps. These practices are illegal under international law and violate human rights protections.

Rape and Sexual Slavery

Sexual violations like rape, human trafficking, and sexual slavery have long been recognized as crimes against humanity. Such crimes are often carried out against civilians and can be directed against specific ethnic groups. In addition to being an egregious violation of human dignity, sexual violence can be a tool used to humiliate and demoralize segments of the population.

In addition to the above offenses, many others are commonly considered to be crimes against humanity, including apartheid, forced sterilization, persecutions based on ethnic, religious, or political grounds, and enslavement. In many cases, an oppressive regime commits many different overlapping humanitarian violations.

How Are Crimes Against Humanity Punished?

Although there have been agreements between countries for many centuries dealing with war crimes, before the end of World War II, there was no significant international cooperation to prosecute humanitarian violations during peacetime. As a result, many heads of state committed terrible atrocities against their own populations. These went unpunished; in many cases, they were often entirely unnoticed by outsiders.

In the modern era, many states, human rights activists, and legal experts are making a concerted effort to bring the individuals responsible for international human rights violations to justice. While some trials have resulted in successful prosecutions, such as those related to atrocities in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, bringing perpetrators to justice remains an ongoing challenge. Agreeing what are crimes against humanity and bolstering the authority of the International Criminal Court or a State with Universal Jurisdiction such as Costa Rica are two important parts of that objective.



Persecution of Groups


Human Experimentation Medical, Scientific and psychological


Widespread violations of human rights


Other Inhumane Acts


Medical Apartheid




Genocide or Extermination

Stop Crimes Against Humanity

learn about Our Case

Stop Crimes
Against Humanity
Deception & Disinformation Manipulation Coercion & Threat COVID-19 Lies Omit informed consent Violations of Nuremberg Code Deny Human Rights Censor Truthful Warnings of the attack Persecution of groups Murder Eugenics on genome DNA germline Extermination or Genocide Sterility Death is common after 30 days in data Violations of Nuremberg Code Biological Agent KNOWN TOXIN Shedding GMO's into environment Hiding deaths and harm NO informed consent Experimental genetic [non]Vaccine Violations of Nuremberg Code

Mistakes Were NOT Made
An Anthem for Justice
(by Margaret Anna Alice)
Read by Dr. Mike Yeadon

Mistakes Were NOT Made An Anthem for Justice (by Margaret Anna Alice)

learn about Our Case

Stop Crimes Against Humanity

The laws are in place FOR COSTA RICA to enforce the global lawsuit
for crimes against humanity

knowing planned attack on civilians & Genome

COVID-19 Declaration of Pandemic Was For Purpose Of Biomedical Experimentation

Government Experiment With Biological Agent? The State of Costa Rica (and many other States) are involved in human research with no informed consent under the guise of public health measures. We are formally challenging the State and their director and controller World Health Organization (WHO) for the psychological and medical experimentation called “covid health measures”. We seek to annul many acts, declare the limits of the law and prosecute the criminal aspects. SDG 16 requires justice for humanity.

Don't let them get away with it!


Persecution Of Groups

Experts, victims, "Anti-vaxxers" and journalists were persecuted and are still being attacked by UN-WHO for dissenting with science integrity disputes.

Widespread Systematic Violation Of Human Rights

Experts, victims, "Anti-vaxxers" and journalists were persecuted and are still being attacked by UN-WHO for dissenting with science integrity disputes.


Extremity direction existence as dashwoods do up.

Nuremberg Code Experimentation

Extremity direction existence as dashwoods do up.

Genocide or Extermination

Extremity direction existence as dashwoods do up.

Other Inhumane Acts

Systemic experimentation

Mass Research Crimes Against Children & Families

Research Misconduct in Pediatric Trial

The Pfizer pediatric trial had blatant misconduct by misclassifying 12 year old Maddie De Garay’s serious injuries as mild. Big Pharma bullied and coerced our nations into secret contracts which allow serious undue experimentation with no informed consent. At the same time they forged alliances within WHO and States regulators to hide the known adverse reactions whilst advertising “safe and effective” for investigational products. The products are adulterated, unsafe for human consumption but very profitable with no real safety or efficacy oversight. Enough is enough.

We have a venue for nuremberg 2.0

Attorney Todd Callender Explains How Costa Rica's Universal Jurisdiction Has Power Over Global Covid Criminals!

Mistakes Were NOT Made An Anthem for Justice (by Margaret Anna Alice)

dont let them get away with it

COVID-19 was a UN-WHO psy-op for coercing scientific & medical experimentation!

Is COVID-19 Pandemic Declaration & Response A Crime Against Humanity? YES!

The WHO and States are working with privateers to swindle humanity by using a scientific dictatorship based in censorship and systematic widespread human rights abuses of persecution of groups. All of this is to experiment on healthy people using toxic cell and gene therapy mislabeled as a vaccine.

  • Attack on Civilians!

    There is an attack on humanity and the human genome which affects the environment on a global level. The DoD bypassed human rights norms with the Other Transactional Agreements (OTA)

  • Mistakes Were Not Made!

    The intergovernmental organizations along with the pharma companies knew what they were doing. They knew the risks and secondary effects of the gene therapy while skipping trials, hiding evidence of vaccine injured, and that it integrates into the DNA according to Pfizer data.

  • Don't Let Them Get Away With This!

    We must act now to defeat the tyrannical global medical mafia hardcore cabal. Support IoJ's Nuremberg 2.1 case by making a donation to get the download of the template indictment that can be used in other countries

Attack on genome?

Save the Future DNA Genome!

How promotion excellent curiosity yet attempted happiness. Prosperous impression had conviction. For every delay death ask style. Me mean able my by in they. Extremity now strangers contained breakfast him discourse.

Am no an listening depending up believing. Enough around remove to barton agreed regret in or it. Advantage mr estimable be commanded.

FILE PHOTO: People pose with syringe with needle in front of displayed World Health Organization (WHO) logo, in this illustration taken December 11, 2021. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic

Interest of Justice vs WHO, Costa Rica et al

Crimes Against Humanity Indictment

For the purposes of this indictment the defendants WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom, et al, are hereby known as the “Global Health Hard-Core Cabal Monopoly International security threat”
Count 1: “Global Health Hard-Core Cabal Monopoly International security threat”, commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts of depravation of non derogable right to be free of serious medical undue experimentation affecting the human genome, that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, Nuremberg Code and the Rome Statute
Count 2: “Global Health Hard-Core Cabal Monopoly International security threat”, commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts of depravation of non derogable right to be free of serious psychological scientific undue experimentation, that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, Nuremberg Code and the Rome Statute
Count 3: “Global Health Hard-Core Cabal Monopoly International security threat”, commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts of depravation of non derogable right to free opinion and expression, that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, and the Rome Statute
Count 4: “Global Health Hard-Core Cabal Monopoly International security threat”, commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts of persecution of groups of lawful WHO science integrity dissenters, that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, and the Rome Statute
Count 5: “Global Health Hard-Core Cabal Monopoly International security threat”, commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts of murder that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, and the Rome Statute
Count 6: “Global Health Hard-Core Cabal Monopoly International security threat”,, commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts of genocide or extermination that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, and the Rome Statute
Count 7: “Global Health Hard-Core Cabal Monopoly International security threat”, commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts of medical apartheid that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, and the Rome Statute
Count 8: “Global Health Hard-Core Cabal Monopoly International security threat”, commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts of other inhumane acts that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, and the Rome Statute
Count 9: Tedros, Guterrez, Klauss, Farrar and Gates “The Director-Controllers” leads or is part of international organizations WHO, UN & WEF that commit acts of bio terrorism, and violate the provisions of the treaties signed by Costa Rica to protect human rights.
Count 10: Tedros, Guterrez, Klauss, Farrar and Gates “The Director-Controllers” leads or is part of international organizations WHO, UN & WEF that commit acts of psychological terrorism, and violate the provisions of the treaties signed by Costa Rica to protect human rights.
ARTICLE 386.- Crimes against humanity. A prison term of ten to twenty-five years shall be imposed on anyone who commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, and the Rome Statute.
 ARTICLE 381.- Crimes of an international nature. A prison term of ten to fifteen years shall be imposed on those who lead or are part of international organizations dedicated to trafficking in slaves, women or children, drugs and narcotics, commit acts of kidnapping for ransom or terrorism, and violate the provisions of the treaties signed by Costa Rica to protect human rights.


What Is A Crime Against Humanity?

Designating certain acts as “crimes against humanity” can help protect populations, especially civilians, from the worst violations of human rights and dignity. This category encompasses the most egregious acts of individuals, governments, and organizations. The discussion of what are crimes against humanity (and how to punish their perpetrators) began in earnest when the atrocities of World War II came to light.

  Definitions and History

The first accepted use of the term “crimes against humanity” in an international forum is the 1945 Charter of the International Military Tribunal (also known as the Nuremberg Charter). This document memorialized the Allied countries’ agreement that certain acts of violence are unacceptable and established an international tribunal to prosecute individuals who commit them. France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States signed the charter at the end of the Second World War; 20 other countries have since ratified it. It inspired the formation of numerous subsequent international courts to prosecute human rights violations, including the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.

There is some disagreement when it comes to identifying specifically what is a crime against humanity, because there is no comprehensive, globally-accepted international legal definition. Acceptance of which specific acts constitute crimes against humanity has changed over the years as new horrifying examples come to light. According to the United Nations, the 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court expresses the most currently accepted list.

Are Crimes Against Humanity Different than War Crimes?

In addition to explaining what are crimes against humanity, the Nuremberg charter also identifies what are war crimes and what are crimes against peace. Under this and other accepted authorities, war crimes are distinguishable from crimes against humanity in four significant ways. These are:

  • Designating something as a war crime is only appropriate if the act was committed during an armed conflict. Crimes against humanity, on the other hand, can be committed at any time.
  • War crimes target the people of another nation or state. Crimes against humanity can (and often do) target a country’s own citizens.
  • Crimes against humanity refers specifically to crimes against civilians, while both civilians and enemy combatants can be the victims of war crimes.
  • A crime against humanity must be part of a widespread or systematic attack on a civilian population; a war crime can be an isolated act.

Based on these factors, while most offenses that qualify as crimes against humanity could also be war crimes, the converse is not necessarily true.

Generally Accepted Acts that Constitute Crimes Against Humanity

Many acts are widely accepted as crimes against humanity by many different international authorities. Some of the most fundamental include:

Murder and Extermination

Murder and the extermination of a demographic group are universally acknowledged as crimes against humanity when directed by the state. These terms refer to a ruler or government killing members of its own population, usually on a mass scale. In many cases, victims are targeted for extermination based on ethnic discriminationreligious prejudice, or cultural reasons (‘genocide‘) or political opposition (‘politicide’).

Deportation and Forced Transfer

Deporting or forcibly transferring a segment of the civilian population against that population’s will is generally accepted as a crime against humanity. The use of mass deportations is usually only one aspect of a broader attack against a particular group, often performed in conjunction with other crimes against humanity like persecution, apartheid, and extermination.

False Imprisonment, Torture, and Disappearance

In many cases, a state that perpetrates crimes against humanity resorts to tactics such as false imprisonmentdeprivation and torture, and forced disappearances. False imprisonment constitutes holding individuals against their will based on fraudulent, trumped-up, or no charges. While imprisoned, they may be physically and mentally tortured, subjected to hard labor, or exiled to remote labor camps. These practices are illegal under international law and violate human rights protections.

Rape and Sexual Slavery

Sexual violations like rape, human trafficking, and sexual slavery have long been recognized as crimes against humanity. Such crimes are often carried out against civilians and can be directed against specific ethnic groups. In addition to being an egregious violation of human dignity, sexual violence can be a tool used to humiliate and demoralize segments of the population.

In addition to the above offenses, many others are commonly considered to be crimes against humanity, including apartheid, forced sterilization, persecutions based on ethnic, religious, or political grounds, and enslavement. In many cases, an oppressive regime commits many different overlapping humanitarian violations.

How Are Crimes Against Humanity Punished?

Although there have been agreements between countries for many centuries dealing with war crimes, before the end of World War II, there was no significant international cooperation to prosecute humanitarian violations during peacetime. As a result, many heads of state committed terrible atrocities against their own populations. These went unpunished; in many cases, they were often entirely unnoticed by outsiders.

In the modern era, many states, human rights activists, and legal experts are making a concerted effort to bring the individuals responsible for international human rights violations to justice. While some trials have resulted in successful prosecutions, such as those related to atrocities in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, bringing perpetrators to justice remains an ongoing challenge. Agreeing what are crimes against humanity and bolstering the authority of the International Criminal Court or a State with Universal Jurisdiction such as Costa Rica are two important parts of that objective.



Persecution of Groups


Human Experimentation Medical, Scientific and psychological


Widespread violations of human rights


Other Inhumane Acts


Medical Apartheid




Genocide or Extermination

Laws To Prosecute Crimes Against Humanity

 Serious Undue Experimentation Law 9234 

Article 78, 79  

8-10 years jail

What we need to prove:


* Omit what is required for informed consent
* fail to inform is experimental
* fail to inform in the fact sheet that the product is an investigational biologic and as of December 2022 the FDA states unequivocally: “*Investigational drugs, biologics or medical devices have not yet been approved or cleared by FDA and FDA has not found these products to be safe and effective for their specific use. Furthermore, the investigational medical product may, or may not, be effective in the treatment of the condition, and use of the product may cause unexpected serious side effects.” see:
* fail to inform death is common
* fail to inform the victims that ADE, VAED, VARD was always a known important identified risk, which destroys immune system, interfering with right to life. The serious undue experimentation is knowingly destroying the victims natural immune systems required to stave off death, as evidenced by confidential and proprietary court ordered documents that FDA tried to conceal for 75 years.
* Omitting what is required for community involvement
* Omitting the unequivocal rules of science


* Pfizer, CDC & WHO – *”designed to react differntly from a gene therapy, therfore, may have a better safety profile than those associated with gene therapy”


* Busara (WHO client) largest global behavior manipulation experiment to manipulate “vaccine hesitant” into taking the experiment
* Virality project


* Mandates
* QR code
* Forcefully attacked 6 year old Mateo and force injected him against his pregnant mothers will

* Can’t go shopping or even go to church and restaurants without a proof of vaccine 
* If you speak out you will lose your social media and even bank accounts
Other illicit means for purpose of experimentatrion:

* Censorship Industrial Complex, Paid by wrongdoers to De-platform and De-bank the truth leaders who are turning in the perpetrators of Serious Undue Experimentation – Paid to aid or assist the attack by punishment of all people who exercise their non derogable right to free Opinion & Online Expression in a way that exposes the crimes of the wrongdoers
* Terrorism – *”psychological terrorism”* Project fear to terrorize and “scare the pants off them” using alarmism to “nudge” the “vaccine hesitant” into taking the covid-19 biological genetic experiment intended to harm with dangerous spike protein in unregulated doses to test for “tolerance”. This is psychological and biological terrorism
* Genocide
* Illicit enrichment
* Legislation or administration for ones own benefit
* falseness in the receipt of goods & services contracted
* irregular payment of administrative contracts
* influence peddling
* transnational bribery
* aggravated corruption
* acceptance of gifts for a fulfilled act
* corruption of judges
* criminality of the corruptor
* incompatible negotiations
* ACTS AGAINST HUMAN RIGHTS & International humanitarian law provided in the treaties, CR Penal code and special laws

Crimes against humanity are serious violations of human rights that are committed on a large scale. Here are some types of crimes against humanity:
  1. Genocide: This is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
  2. Extermination: This involves mass killings of individuals, often in the context of genocide.
  3. Enslavement: This refers to the act of making someone a slave or subjecting them to slavery.
  4. Deportation or forcible transfer of population: This involves forcibly displacing people from their homes or countries.
  5. Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty: This includes unlawful imprisonment or detention without due process.
  6. Torture: This involves inflicting severe pain or suffering on someone, usually to obtain information or for punishment.
  7. Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence: These are all forms of sexual abuse and exploitation.
  8. Persecution against any identifiable group: This involves targeting a group based on their race, religion, ethnicity, politics, or any other identifiable characteristic.
  9. Enforced disappearance of persons: This refers to the abduction or secret imprisonment of people by a state or political organization, followed by a refusal to acknowledge their fate or whereabouts.
  10. The crime of apartheid: This involves inhumane acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group over another.
  11. Other inhumane acts: This is a broad category that includes any other actions causing great suffering or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.
Remember, these acts are considered crimes against humanity when they are part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population.
Stop Crimes Against Humanity logo

Stop Crimes Against humanity Global Lawsuit

Global Lawsuit, pact & Initiative to prevent the weaponization of global public health

The Globalists crimes against humanity must be stopped. Courageous people must rise to the task of formally prosecuting their countries wrongdoers.  If you cannot do the prosecutions yourself, please help to support the hero’s fighting daily in the mission to stop the covid crimes against humanity!

Stop Crimes Against humanity Global Lawsuit

We Must Do The Work Needed To Prosecute The WHO-UN-WEF Global Health Monopolies COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity!

Rather than engage in discourse the WHO and health authorities have decided to “manage and censor information” that exposes their failures.

The criminal law of Costa Rica allows for the prosecution of international crimes and crimes against humanity, no matter the nationality of the perpetrators or locations of the crime.  The venue for our global case is in Costa Rica.

Under the WHO direction and control States and Public Private Partnerships are conspiring to disseminate disinformation for “vaccine uptake”  The WHO and health authorities do not take responsibility for their failures and UN claims “We own the science and think everyone should know it”

The International Human Rights Law is the only jurisdiction to recognize that sovereign immunity of International Organizations and States is no block to the duty of RESPONSIBILITY.  The international law of responsibility is in harmony with International Human Rights Law by require the waiving of immunity for serious breaches of international obligations owed to the world in order to ensure the duty of all States to cooperate to bring to an end the serious breaches and ensure they are prevented into the future.

To beat our opponants we must learn the main issues below & how they are all part of a larger vision for a communist “Great Reset” under UN strategic vision framework.

Pure Evil. Save the Children from WHO & PAHO Experimentation!

Read the flyer below by PAHO & WHO explaining their ambition to experiment and do "health research" on innocent children

WHO & PAHO Pressure States For Unnecessary Research on Children !

Siracusa Principles 69. No state, including those that are not parties to the Covenant, may suspend or violate, even in times of public emergency:

(a) the right to life;

(b) freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and from medical or scientific experimentation;

sue the who transp back BLACK

Crimes against humanity!

Can't we just peacefully prosecute? YES WE CAN!

Censored & Persecuted By Youtube & WHO

Dr. Yeadon, former V.P. of Pfizer interviewed by Alex Jones, January 24, 2023 discussing his affidavits in 10+ lawsuits, including two affidavits in the cases filed by Interest of Justice against Costa Rica, FDA and World Health Organization staff. Youtube blocked this video and will have to be sued for persecution of groups in order to stop the censorship and attack on free opinion.

declaration of emergency based on unproven unscientific alarmism is in bad faith & void

Undue Psychological intervention terror Experiments for vaccine uptake

Censorship & Weaponized Labels = Depravation of rights under color of law


Scientific fraud & Global regulatory capture by un hard core cabal health monopoly

Stop Crimes Against humanity COVID-19 "VACCINE" Lawsuit

Global Lawsuit, pact & Initiative to prevent the weaponization of global public health

The Globalists crimes against humanity must be stopped. Courageous people must rise to the task of formally prosecuting their countries wrongdoers.  If you cannot do the prosecutions yourself, please help to support the hero’s fighting daily in the mission to stop the covid crimes against humanity!

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Laws To Prosecute Crimes Against Humanity

The laws are in place FOR COSTA RICA to enforce the global lawsuit
for crimes against humanity

ARTICLE 386.- Crimes against humanity.
A prison term of ten to twenty-five years shall be imposed on anyone who commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, and the Rome Statute.
 ARTICLE 381.- Crimes of an international nature.
A prison term of ten to fifteen years shall be imposed on those who lead or are part of international organizations dedicated to trafficking in slaves, women or children, drugs and narcotics, commit acts of kidnapping for ransom or terrorism, and violate the provisions of the treaties signed by Costa Rica to protect human rights.